Risks and Frauds that can disrupt Functioning of High Risk Merchant Accounts
As a high risk merchant account holder, you are always engaged in high risk businesses and have a greater risk of chargeback. Therefore, let’s have a look at different risks and frauds that can disrupt the functioning of you High Risk Merchant Accounts.
Frauds with High Risk Merchant Accounts
The amount of risk is always higher when dealing with high volumes of online transactions. The most common type of risk that can come across while dealing with high risk account service is a fraud transaction. Like most of the sales made online, you can never be sure that the customer on the other end is real.
Fee risks with High Risk Merchant Accounts
High Risk Merchant Accounts charge a higher percentage of processing fees than what you will get with standard merchant accounts. Generally, the increased fees with high risk merchant account is the element depicting the higher risk involved with the business. In case, high risk merchant accounts are not available with the domestic providers, the processing fee can certainly increase.