Travel Visa Merchant Accounts
Travel merchant accounts are categorized as high risk and that’s why merchants in this business find it difficult to secure merchant accounts. The reason travel industry has been quoted as high risk is due to delays between when the ticket purchases and actual date of travel. If a customer decides to change their travel dates in the meantime he expects that the company should refund their money. This sometimes leads to chargeback! Moreover, travel purchases have high-value which adds to the risk factor for the acquiring bank.
That’s why many people who own a travel agency you will have to come across enormous issues to get a merchant account. Getting reliable merchant account services is must for your business as wrong type of payment processing solutions can lead to reduction in sales and exorbitant rates. So in order to make your business work smoothly, you need to provide your customers a smooth payment gateway so that you can accept credit and debit card payments.
Travel Merchant Account with AMSLV
AMSLV is a pioneer company which has been working for more than a decade to deliver flawless merchant account services to many high-risk and low-risk businesses. We have connections with large banks both domestic and offshore that will assist to approve your merchant account application quickly.
With so much of experience and expertise we are sure that we can assist you in your payment processing endeavors.
For providing you the merchant facilities, we collect all the necessary information from you to zero-in on the bank that fits best to the requirements of your business. Next we provide you with a list that contains options along with approximate rates and fees. After you approve it we forward your application for pre-approval.
High-class services by AMSLV
We provide world-class services with best range options that work perfectly with your business model. Our expert team analyzes your business model closely and works to provide customized solutions to fulfill your business’ need. This is the reason we are able to provide fast, efficient and friendly services to our clients. We focus on providing industry best services to our customers who have been troubled by banks due to the high-risk nature of their business.
Get in touch with us today! We will help you with all your payment processing needs. You can always apply for a merchant account and we will make sure it gets approved within 2-3 business days.