5 businesses which may ask for high merchant accounts in 2015
The definition of high risk businesses are changing with the advent of e-commerce including changes in resource availability, and with it comes the need of high risk merchant accounts to survive. There are some industries and businesses that land in the list of top high-risk category. Go through five of the riskiest businesses that might ask for services of high risk merchant account service providers from 2015 onwards.
Recordable Media Manufacturing
The probability is that in next few years, the popularity of substitutes to recordable media products like online streaming, download, streaming movies, TV shows, and any kind of media via Internet will increase the risk involved in the business. The predicted annual rate of fall in revenue in this industry is 3.9% to $3.2 billion in the five years to 2018.
Appliance Repair and spare parts
With increasing competition and threat from giant manufacturers and retailers that insure free service with their warranties. Technological advances are improving the lifespan of the appliances and the warrantee period is also extending up to many years. So, the need for appliance repair and spare part makers is decreasing. Small business in this industry are likely to plunge into high risk merchant category.
Apparel Knitting
The revenue of this industry is falling as operators outsource labor-intensive production to counties where they get lower labor costs. The predictions of experts suggest that it’ll keep falling for next five years (from 2013) with an annualized rate of 3.1 to $412 million (to 2018).
Fuel Dealers
This industry is facing revenue volatility over past five years because it depends on the rates of crude oils, which are facing great fluctuations since 2009.
Newspaper Publishing
Newspaper publishing is considered no more safe deal by ecommerce merchant account providers. While, it might take another 3-4 decades before the print media disappears from physical copies to digital e-paper editions, news blogs, social and digital media. In that case, a merchant account provider has reasons to deny a standard merchant account, for revenue of print medium is decreasing with each passing year. The predicted annualized rate of revenue fall is 3.7%, to $27.7 billion towards the end of 2018.